Anna Rubio

Artist Portfolio

Prat, arbre i formiga

Peça inspirada i realitzada al prat de Lleone a Farrera, en motiu del 1er Aplec Saó organitzat pel Centre d’Art i Natura de Farrera.

Peça composta per dos moments: Prat (10 min.) i Arbre (8min.) Pot ser adaptada a altres espais de característiques similars. El contingut i estructura podrà variar en funció de les característiques del lloc i l’estació de l’any.

As an ant, very small, I move through the meadow. Often just watching, still, I travel very far. And when I move, I search, and I search you, listen and listen you. This is so huge … And I say “not everything has to have a meaning!” The wet grass wakens my feet and mountains of fertile land, femininity. I am a red ant.

I envy how ants move in the tree, determined. Are they aware of their height, their verticality?  That hypnotize me … The tree stands firm and holds them; what paths their branches! The leaves are turning yellow and the fruits are already ripe. I want to arrive there!

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© 2025 Anna Rubio

Autor Anders Norén